About 關於

Jewel Couture 茱悅琍珠寶訂製

Established in Hong Kong in 1999 and specializing in jewellery design and manufacture.





蘇  愛 雲 Irene Leigh アイリン           


學歷 Education

  • 美國寶石協會研究寶石學家文憑
  • 香港浸會大學持續學院 珠寶製作,珠寶設計課程修業
  • 日本東京文化服裝學院 Fashion 工科課程畢業
  • 東京文化外國語學校日文科系課程畢業
  • 高雄樹德女子家商—服裝設計科畢業
  • Gemological Institute of America (GIA) Graduate Gemologist
  • Hong Kong Baptist University School of Continuing Education:
    –  completed courses in Jewellery Manufacture and Jewellery Design
  • Graduated in Fashion Studies from the Bunka College of Fashion, Tokyo, Japan
  • Graduate of the Japanese Language course from Bunka Foreign Language School, Tokyo
  • Shu-Te Home Economics School, Kaohsiung, Taiwan – graduated in Fashion Design


資歷 Personal

  • 從事時尚服裝產業及珠寶設計工作已有三十年以上,目前仍在相關工作與相關課程領域裡。旅居日本6年,法國巴黎2年,上海2年,香港12年,出生台南目前台灣與香港往返。
  • 2012-2016台灣高雄樹德科技大學流行設計系靜動態畢展評審, 2016企業導師.飾品設計及時尚攝影兼任講師
  • 2011-2012 獲選台灣高雄市文化人才回流補助案
  • 2010曾任勤益科技大學及僑光技術學院研習營講師
  • 1993~日本名古屋瀧兵纖維株式會社-香港事務所任職
  • 興趣:縫製,手工藝,攝影<數位/黑白暗房>,繪畫及語言



緣由 Background


I am someone who likes to recall old times. My source of creativity is borne from memory and recollection in their purest and most down-to-earth form, like in the pearl pendant passed down by my parents…  I am always passionate about my work, whether it be redesigning, embellishing and increasing the value of those items bought over the years by friends or clients which have been lying in drawers for far too long, or by painting and going out on regular photo shoots so as to get closer to nature. The colours and shape of a stone, a leaf, even a fruit can make me think of all manner of ways to design an item of jewellery, and often I end up being overjoyed at the very idea and determined to express it in a physical piece.
By now my daughter has grown up, and I’ve started giving her beautiful and expensive pieces of jewellery that she wants to wear constantly. This expression of infinite love will then be passed on from generation to generation.